Saturday, May 16, 2020

Vocative Definition and Examples in English Grammar

A vocative is a word or phrase used to address a reader or listener directly, usually in the form of a personal name, title, or term of endearment (Bob, Doctor, and  Snookums, respectively). The persons name or term of address is set off in the sentence with vocative commas. In  speech, the vocative is indicated by  intonation, meaning that an  utterance  is usually  accented  or emphasized. The grammar term for a sentence that uses a vocative is called being in the  vocative case (or direct address), and the term itself comes from a Latin word meaning call. Key Takeaways: Vocative When you address someone by name, youre using the vocative case.When you write a sentence with direct address, you set off the name with vocative commas.  When a vocative starts off with you, its likely negative—unless said in a sweet tone of voice. For example, You dork. How to Use the Vocative Case When you use  direct address, by definition you are speaking (or writing) to someone directly. Using a persons name gets his or her attention and can show respect (using a formal title) or emotion (term of endearment or derogatory name). A vocative doesnt have to be a proper noun. It can also be a noun phrase (as in the last example). Mary, do you want to go to the concert with me?Thank you so much, honey, for doing that for me.I dont know what Id do without you, Tim!Well, doctor, whats your conclusion?Professor, I have a question.  Son, we need to talk.Where are you, my little bookworm? Notice that these sentences are in  second  person, as they have  you  in them, or you is understood because of the direct address. Animals and objects can be in the vocative case as long as the sentence is talking directly to them. Darn it, keys, where the heck did I put you?Fido, stop chewing on the couch. Negatives Of course, theres a negative side to terms of endearment. Author Leslie Dunkling describes that in English, they often start off with you as a part of the vocative phrase, in the structure of you adjective noun. Typical realizations of the formula would be: you bloody fool, you bloody swine, you cheeky sod, you dirty bastard, you lying bastard, you old cow, you stupid bitch. Often the adjective is omitted, you bastard, you bitch, you fool being preferred. She also notes, however, that with the right tone and context, these insults can also be terms of endearment or lighthearted. Of course, a vocative phrase doesnt have to start with you to be negative or insulting; it just has to  be in second person.   Get out of my way, jerkface. Setting Off With the Vocative Comma In writing, you set off the name, term of endearment, or persons title with a comma (a vocative comma) at the start or end of a sentence, or with two commas if the name is in the middle of the sentence. In spoken language, theres typically a pause where the comma would be. When to Avoid the Vocative Comma Not every utterance of a persons name or title is direct address. If youre speaking or writing about someone in the third person (he, she, it), thats not vocative case or direct address, and commas arent used to set off the name or epithet. Some of the sentences here are in the first person, but they still use third to refer to the person spoken about. Mary went to the concert with me.I thanked my honey for the help.I dont know what Id do without Tim.I asked the doctor what her conclusion was.  I had a question for the professor.He needed to talk to his son.Where is my little bookworm? Its important to know the distinction because there are times when the lack of a vocative comma in a sentence can create confusion.   Direct address, talking to Kelly: I dont know, Kelly.Not direct address, talking about Kelly: I dont know Kelly.   Careful Use of the Comma Watch out for run-on sentences when using the vocative comma in the middle of a sentence. A name is not a conjunction that can join two independent clauses.   Run-on: Thank you so much, Shelly, I dont know what Id do without you.Correction: Thank you so much, Shelly. I dont know what Id do without you.  Or: Thank you so much. Shelly, I dont know what Id do without you.   Source Dunkling, Leslie. A Dictionary of Epithets and Terms of Address. Routledge, 1990.

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